Spending Time With Family
The past couple of days I spent quality time with my family in New York and New Jersey. The last time I saw my mom was Christmas and by now, I would’ve seen her a few times. This is the 2nd time I’ve seen my sister this year, wow! I’ve learned during this pandemic that every second counts and making the most of your time is critical. I realized that I really miss spending time with my loved ones, and once this pandemic is over, it’s going to be one of my top priorities. I’ve been blessed to spend time with people I love, even if we had to social distance, and these moments are even more special now.
As we prepare for flu season and a potential 2nd wave of COVID-19, what are some things you can do (or continue to do) to stay connected with loved ones? What are some things you would like to do with your family and friends once it’s safe to do so? I look forward to safely gathering again and these thoughts will keep me going.
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Have a blessed week!